Chatterhead Says

The Politics of a New Religion

I think that modern religion is a tool of the elite. There are true believers in every religion, but I believe that the Abrahamic religions are controlled by an elite group of powerful people. Whether that's the The Committee of 300, or Illuminate, or the circle of twelve, or the Royals, or the Carlyle Group, or the Bilderberg attendees, or Skull and Bones, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Masons, or the Communist Party, or corporations, or the Oil Barons, or the Central Banks, or hedge funds, whatever the composition of the group and their identities, I don't know.

One thing is for certain, the Abrahamic religions seem to act as a trifecta, or Trinity if you will, of ideological perspectives; that exist on their own scales of adherence, which work together to capture large groups of people across all walks of life, and pit them against one another. The sheer effectiveness of sexual repression as a means of generating shame is possibly why it sits at the center of each of the Abrahamic religions. Shame is how God controls us in these religions, which often require acts of atonement for forgiveness, relief of sin, or payment of debt. The more shame a religion can generate the more atonement is needed. All of these religions require performative tithing, which is effectively a tax on production.

It can be argued, that Adam Smith suggested the power of divisional labor: that which becomes more specialized over time, is where most of societies wealth is generated in the long run. That is, as the population grows, the rate of job growth is proportional to that growth, because the increasing specialization of industries, disciplines, and trades, creates an equally increasing number of jobs. As long as you follow some fundamental rules to maintain market based pricing, the society as a whole would remain a going concern. Abrahamic Religions benefit from a similar kind of subdivision. The ever consistent pace of divergent beliefs, differing interpretation on scripture, disagreements about history, and the gamification of God's laws, have created many avenues for incorporating new groups into the tithing masses. Specialization generates revenue in religion, as it does profit in the economy. These branches of belief often employ refined ways to focus on shame, by incorporating the relief of shame and relief of fear as central propositions. This makes for a powerful aphrodisiac. Catharsis on tap in many cases, and a structure which easily conforms to social hierarchies.

In those terms, I suggest these Abrahamic religions were likely created for the purpose of political control and to this day are primarily controlled by an unbelieving elite class. To the point that, Jesus was not real. The Old Testament was written after the Gospels, which they continue to add to with new "discoveries" of millennia old texts. Islam is primarily a religion of war and they think and act in terms of a single nation. A nation which fundamentally pits itself against non-believers. Judaism is a religion that inherently seems to promote subversion and exploitation of non-believers. While Christianity reinforces inaction against ones enemies. Not to mention the adoption of these religions by ethnic or racial groups specifically as a means of creating political power. When taken in this context, there is ample evidence to suggest these organizations are primarily tools of a political class.

Atheists and agnostics, who have been the primary targets of the cultural zeitgeist, are now segmented into marketable groups, and sold identities and lifestyles as a means of political control. These identities and lifestyles have their own codes of adherence and scales of commitment; as so effectively described by Edward Bernays and used by Anna Freud. Our cultural creation machine is the media; whether entertainment or news, and it determines the direction of our politics and policies across a vast social spectrum. Whether it's banks and hedge funds, the CIA, or a Chinese Dancing App, our culture is created utilizing no holds bar social engineering methods and wartime propaganda. These nexuses of control are themselves interlinked within a thin strata of political elites. The methods, and outcomes of their control parallel those we find in the market place, and in religious institutions. We exist, not as the 99%, but as the 99.9999%, controlled by an intermarrying, intermingling, isolationist amalgam of political, economic, and cultural classists. From which religion was created, markets are controlled, and whole societies shaped in their image.

This seems to explain the real purpose of the LGBT movement, and why it came about; as an additional way to control a growing populace. That populace often adhering to their own strict standards of belief which becomes foundational to their individual politics. The movement itself was a rejection of Abrahamic repression, and the acceptance of a cultural solution. Both of these movements were controlled by the same group of individuals. This notion is exemplified in the use of the Rainbow as a symbol of freedom. Where once you tithed, now you are taxed. Not just through formal levies, but with social expenses. The lifestyle that has emerged from this movement is fairly rigid in the application of its ideologies, even when compared to contemporary religions.

The possibility that an elite group of people, who harbor no real value system, have manufactured our compliance through the creation of formal belief systems by intentionally lying, manipulating, and committing acts of terror and violence, does not seem far fetched to me. The fact there remain a large number of true believers and sincere movements, only seems to help mask the Global Trust that makes up this cabal of control.

As a solution to the problem of centralization, I suggest a new religion be created, one that establishes a very specific set of political beliefs, creates a sacramental exchange network, and operates within a social media platform. A believer nation, without borders, using cryptocurrencies to secure our precious atonements, while leveraging social media engagement and entrepreneurship to create a culture we all get to participate in, and own. Instead of focusing on shame, we will exalt liberty. As a religion we will work to spread our faith globally, existing above all governments, erected as a bastion of a new spirituality that seeks to embody freedom.

Otherwise, this Global Trust waging generational warfare, will soon end up with the keys to the technological kingdom. The future will be robotic control, android law enforcement, drone patrols, and the ever present threat of viral outbreaks due to "terrorism". Empires can last a long time, and the people we should be in immediate fear of are those who understand what gaining a throne will grant them, and worse yet, how to use it to create a lasting power structure. Rome wasn't built in a day, but the republic became an empire overnight.